Heart Physiology

About the course

The program of the course «Heart Physiology» is compiled taking into account the state standard for teaching the basic course of physiology according to the undergraduate curriculum.

An important feature of the course is the presentation of the material at different levels: a combination of molecular, cellular and systemic approaches in describing the functions of organs.

The course presents basic and modern data on the functional characteristics and histological structure of cardiomyocytes; the formation of the action potential of various myocardial cells; fundamentals of myocardial mechanics, mechanisms of contraction and relaxation of cardiomyocytes; principles of intercellular interaction of myocardial infants; cellular electrophysiology in myocardial ischemia; mechanisms of action of cardiotropic pharmacological drugs; dysfunction of the heart.

The course, tests, quizzes and additional materials are available in English, video lectures are in Russian with English presentations and with English subtitles.


  1. Heart As an Element of the Circulatory System. Heart Function and Its Main Characteristics.
  2. Heart Automaticity. Cardiac Conduction System.
  3. Action Potential of the Working Myocardium and Its Physiological Consequences.
  4. Electrocardiogram and Its Relationship with Electrophysiological Processes in the Heart.
  5. Mechanisms of Regulation of Heart Activity.
  6. Coronary Blood Flow. Myocardial Metabolism. Changes in the Activity of the Heart During Functional Loads.
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Course's authors:

  • Alexander Markov
    Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, Department of General Physiology

  • Arina Fedorova
    Junior Researcher, Department of General Physiology

  • Tamara Lyubimtseva
    Candidate of Medical Sciences, senior researcher of Arrhythmology Research Department, Almazov National Medical Research Centre
©Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет
2024 год